Sell Your Car in 3 EASY STEPS!

Contact Us

Give us a quick overview of your vehicle. What's the year, make, model? where it's located and what condition it's in. This will help us give you the best offer possible.

Get a Quote

We'll get you an offer right over the phone. There's no obligation, It's as simple as answering a few questions and you're finished. Why hassle with other options when we can take it off your hands today?

Collect Cash

Pick a date and time, and we'll come to you. During the visit, we'll look over the vehicle to check its condition. And make sure everything's in order. Then we'll pay you cash on the spot, and tow your vehicle away for free.

Get in Touch For Your CASH Quote

Call 954-513-8511 Request Quote

Why Choose A&A Quick Cash For Cars?

  • Instant Offers
    Simply fill out our easy, intuitive questionnaire and you'll have an offer for your vehicle within minutes.
  • Fast Pick-Up
    If you accept our offer, we'll come to you with-in 24-48 hours to pick-up the vehicle, and get you paid!
  • Free Towing
    We provide free towing on all vehicles we purchase, so you don't have to worry about a thing!